<script>-- HELP DATA: DO NOT MODIFYHelp ,573,78,638,122,416,80,561,137,577,101,,, ¶Slide the cursor over objects to see their help balloons. Click here again to turn off the help feature.Print ,573,128,638,170,447,126,561,180,577,151,,, ¶The Print button will print some of the information displayed on the screen.Find ,573,174,638,218,371,164,563,231,577,198,,, ¶The Find button takes you to the the Custom Search screen, where you can create a custom list of products that contain certain words or phrases in their product information screens.Quit ,573,224,638,266,433,227,562,262,577,248,,, ¶The Quit button will take you back to the Finder.Begin ,573,270,638,314,422,280,562,312,577,296,,, ¶The Begin button returns to the opening menu.Back ,573,318,638,362,422,316,561,359,577,344,,, ¶The Back button takes you to the level you were on previously.Prev ,573,366,638,410,425,347,560,383,576,392,,, ¶The Prev button does not function on this card.Next ,573,420,638,456,425,397,560,433,576,440,,, ¶The Next button does not function on this card.</script>